ECON 317, Microeconomic Analysis
College of Charleston | Dr. Walker
Fall 2019

** Everything on this page is subject to change. Please check your assignments frequently. **
Last updated on 12/4/19.

Lecture Topic
Browning & Zupan
(* indicates reading only,  no/limited lecture)
Problem Sets, Other Readings & Materials
Introduction / supply & demand Ch. 1*, 2* PS-1
Theory of consumer choice Ch. 3 PS-2, PS-3
[solutions to PS-2 | PS-3 ]
Individual and market demand Ch. 4 PS-4 [solutions to PS-4 ]
Income-substitution effects
Gas tax-rebate program
Regression example (class size paper)
Using consumer choice theory Ch. 5 Stossel, Freakonomics 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
Discussion between Becker and Posner
Lancaster's and other theories of consumer behavior Lancaster consumer theory (lecture)
Harvey, The silent killer of relationships
(optional) Zeelenberg, Anticipated regret
(optional) Davidai & Gilovich, ...Enduring regrets
Exchange, efficiency, and prices Ch. 6
     Midterm Exam
Date:  Thursday, October 17
Coverage:  consumer theory (Ch. 1-6; other materials since beginning of semester)
Point value:  100 pts.
Production Ch. 7
Production theory in competitive markets Ch. 8, 9, 10* PS-5
Production theory in monopoly markets Ch. 11, 12*
Game theory and the economics of information Ch. 14
Using noncompetitive market models Ch. 15*
General equilibirum analysis and economic efficiency Ch. 19
Public goods, Lindahl prices, and externalities Ch. 20 Lindahl prices example
(optional) Clarke tax; and a little about the Clarke tax
     Final Exam
Date:  Saturday, December 7, 12:00-2:15 [During your last 15 minutes, you can use written notes. No sharing, No electronics.]
Coverage:  comprehensive, with ~ 60% emphasis on production theory
Point value:  100 pts.